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Home / Support Center / Knowledge Base / UV-A LED strip lights / What is the irradiance of UV-A fluorescent bulbs versus distance?
What is the irradiance of UV-A fluorescent bulbs versus distance?
I enjoyed reading through your webpage "Understanding UV-A Irradiance, and Requirements for Various Applications."I'm trying to figure out the (approximate) irradiance values at different distances. I've been given two values for a 365nm fluorescent bulb fixture: 1,700 uW/cm2 @ 5 inches and 800 uW/cm2 @ 12 inches. I've tried applying the Inverse Square Law but this isn't working for me.
We would expect that the inverse square law would indeed apply for a fluorescent lamp as well, but there may of course be some variations depending on the lamp length or other factors.
I would recommend reaching out to the manufacturer of the lamp for additional details, or purchase a UV meter to empirically determine irradiance values.
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UV-A floodlightsUV-A flashlightsUV-A LED strip lights
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