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Ultra High 95 CRI 6500K E26 BR30 LED Bulb for Jewelry & Display

Ultra High 95 CRI 6500K E26 A19 LED Bulb for Jewelry & Display

Ultra High 95 CRI 6500K T8 LED Tube for Jewelry & Display

Ultra High 95 CRI 6500K T5 LED Tube for Jewelry & Display

Merchandise Appearance Matters

If you're in retail, the appearance of your merchandise is the most impactful on your customers.

Without the correct color temperature, color rendering, spectrum and intensity, your customers will be unable to appreciate the full beauty of your products.

Diamonds, rubies, sapphires and precious metals all have unique spectral profiles that require high CRI lighting to reveal properly.

More on High CRI →

Merchandise Appearance Matters

If you're in retail, the appearance of your merchandise is the most impactful on your customers.

Without the correct color temperature, color rendering, spectrum and intensity, your customers will be unable to appreciate the full beauty of your products.

Diamonds, rubies, sapphires and precious metals all have unique spectral profiles that require high CRI lighting to reveal properly.

More on High CRI →

Spectral Power Distribution: Beyond CRI

The colors we see in jewelry and gemstones are a result of complex mixture of different wavelength light that are reflected from a light source.

If the light source itself does not have a complete or even spectrum, this can result in inaccurate or unnatural color reproduction.

We therefore evaluate the color of a light source not only with CRI and CCT, but also looking at it at each nanometer through its spectral profile, and comparing it what is necessary for various gemostones.

CCT: 4,991 K | CRI (Ra): 99 | R9: 92

Waveform's ABSOLUTE 5000K spectrum features a 420 nanometer emitter with a RGB triphosphor coating. This enables full spectrum coverage, achieving a spectral output that is extremely similar to natural daylight.

Interested in a custom or multi-channel LED solution? Check out our online LED spectrum simulator.

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Colorless Diamond

A perfect, colorless diamond reflects light across the entire spectrum, giving it its absolutely transparent and pure white look. Diamonds with a GIA color grade of D-F typically have reflectance spectra that are similar to this.

Colored Diamond

Colored diamonds absorb light in the violet and blue region of the visible spectrum. This results in the yellowish hue that is observed in diamonds whose GIA grade is below G.

Without a full spectrum light source with violet and blue coverage, this yellow hue may not be noticeable to the naked eye.


Corundum gemstones come in a variety of hues. In particular, sapphire owes its color to light reflectance that is particularly pronounced in the deep violet and green-cyan region of the spectrum.

A full spectrum light source with sufficient violet and cyan wavelength emission is needed to sufficiently bring out the unique blueness of sapphire gemstones.


Rubies reflect a significant amount of red wavelength light. In addition, a significant amount of cyan and light-green wavelengths are also reflected.

A critical distinction between ruby and pink sapphire rests on the amount of cyan and light-green that is reflected (i.e. saturation) and therefore a full wavelength light source with representative amounts of red, cyan and light-green are essential for proper display of ruby gemstones.


Emeralds are beryl gemstones that have a green color owing to its trace amounts of chromium. Its primary reflectance is in the green region of the spectrum which most light sources include, but without sufficient cyan and light-green light coverage in a light source, the appearance of emerald gemstones may appear "greener" than they would under natural lighting.


Gold is an essential metal used in jewelry that has a significant amount of amber and red wavelength reflectance, as well as moderate amounts of blue and violet. A full spectrum light source is critical for bringing out the rich golden color of this precious metal.


Leather comes in a variety of colors depending on the tanning liquor. For the most part, however, the reflectance increases as wavelength increases - in other words, reds and ambers dominate the reflectance profile. Without sufficient red and amber light in the light source, the color of leather will appear dull and yellow.

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