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Bring the Sun Indoors

Natural daylight has countless benefits, ranging from improved human health, accurate color perception and vigorous plant growth.

Full spectrum lights can help supplement natural daylight, helping you feel better, see better and grow better.

With recent innovations in LED technologies, Waveform Lighting has succeeded in creating some of the most advanced full spectrum light spectra that truly replicate natural daylight.

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Bring the Sun Indoors

Natural daylight has countless benefits, ranging from improved human health, accurate color perception and better work productivity.

Full spectrum lights can help supplement natural daylight, helping you feel better, see better and work better.

With recent innovations in LED technologies, Waveform Lighting has succeeded in creating some of the most advanced full spectrum light spectra that truly replicate natural daylight.

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Spectrum Matters

Natural daylight contains an even distribution of all wavelengths across the visible spectrum. To fully benefit from full spectrum lighting, a light source's spectrum must be as close to natural daylight as possible.

Even lighting products that claim to contain full spectrum light (particularly fluorescent lamps) are lacking in certain colors, especially deep red wavelengths. What you see in these lights may be a daylight balanced light color, but in reality, the light may only be emitting in a narrow range of wavelengths that creates the illusion of "daylight white."

Defining Full Spectrum

There is no standardized metric for measuring "full spectrum," which can make comparing different products difficult.

The best approximation of spectrum fullness is the Color Rendering Index (CRI) along with color temperature (CCT). CRI measures the ability of a light source to bring out the true colors of an object, and indicates a light spectrum's similarity to natural light sources.

Truly full spectrum light sources, by virtue of being similar to natural daylight, must have a very high CRI and color temperature between 4000K and 6500K to be considered a true, full spectrum light source.

Waveform Lighting's ABSOLUTE SERIES™ LED lamps have up to 99 CRI (Ra). This means that our lights are virtually indistinguishable from daylight.

More on CRI →

Compare our CRI R values to other light sources by clicking the corresponding buttons below.

  • Score:
  • 25
  • 50
  • 75
  • 100
  • R1
  • R2
  • R3
  • R4
  • R5
  • R6
  • R7
  • R8
  • R9
  • R10
  • R11
  • R12
  • R13
  • R14
  • R15

Individual R Values for Waveform Lighting 99 CRI

Compare our spectral power distribution

Achieving a full spectrum LED light requires an in-depth look at its spectral power distribution. Compare our spectra to natural daylight and other competing technologies.

CCT: 4,991 K | CRI (Ra): 99 | R9: 92

Waveform's ABSOLUTE SERIES™ 5000K spectrum features a 420 nanometer emitter with a RGB triphosphor coating. This enables full spectrum coverage, achieving a spectral output that is extremely similar to natural daylight.

Interested in a custom or multi-channel LED solution? Check out our online LED spectrum simulator.

Build your own SPD

How we achieve full spectrum

LED phosphors are the technological advancement in LED lighting technologies that makes full spectrum lighting possible.

Phosphors convert light energy of one wavelength and redistribute that energy as a different wavelength. For example, a red phosphor will convert blue light energy, and re-emit red wavelength energy.

By carefully adjusting the amount of various colored LED phosphor in an LED chip, an unprecedented level of spectral control becomes possible. Because LED phosphors are in powder form, they can be readily mixed into various color recipes with changes in phosphor ratio resulting in subtle color differences.

Our carefully developed phosphor recipes are the secret sauce to achieving a full spectrum result that truly mimics natural daylight.

More on CRI R9 →

Want to learn more?

Visit our product support center to learn more about our products. Download spec sheets, test reports and reach out to us with any questions.