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Home /  Support Center /  Knowledge Base /  UV-A floodlights /  UV-A LED Light Irradiance and Black Panel Temperature

UV-A LED Light Irradiance and Black Panel Temperature

I have a customer that wants to run a UV test on their product. Their requirements are 1) Black Panel: 60C 2) Air Temperature 38C 3) Humidity: 50% 4) Irradiance: 0.6W/m2. Do you have a product that will give me the irradiance and black panel temp I need?

Our 20-watt UV flood light may be a good fit for you here. The product has a measured irradiance of 650 µW/cm² or 6.5 W/m² at a distance of 12 inches. 

Please see below for additional information:


​We do not have any data on black panel temperature but believe that the product will remain well within the 60-degree C requirement. The product is rated for humid environments and the 50% rating should not be an issue.

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UV-A floodlightsUltraviolet (fluorescence, blacklights)

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