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UV lighting to Illuminate the Target

I am developing a product that needs to illuminate the target. The target must glow in the dark. Can you help?

For installations where the optimal fluorescent effect is desired, we usually recommend the 365nm version of our realUV™ ultraviolet products. We have attached a link to a blog post regarding the topic below, which we hope is helpful for your installation planning. 

What is the Difference Between 365 nm and 395 nm UV LED Lights?

I have a couple of questions.

-What is the distance of the radiation of the 365 nm strip of light?

-We want to paint a narrow strip in the vertical direction and illuminate a fluorescent paint. Can we mask the signal as we would visibly light to produce a vertical column of UV irradiation?

-I assume not of this will work in sunlight conditions correct? How about overcast weather? Rain?

We have attached a link to the product’s UV Irradiance Chart below, which we hope is helpful for your installation planning. 

realUV™ LED Strip Lights - UV Irradiance Pattern

We unfortunately do not have any materials available which could be used to limit the transmission of product output, though it might be helpful to know that the 365nm version of the product will only produce a very minute amount of visible light. 

If you would alternatively like to physically block some portion of the ultraviolet light, we can confirm that most polycarbonate and other materials will naturally block ultraviolet output. 

As a final note, the fluorescence effect may be difficult or impossible to perceive due to the lack of contrast between it and the natural sunlight.

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UV-A floodlightsUV-A LED strip lights

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