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Home / Support Center / Knowledge Base / UV-A LED strip lights / How far does your flood light illumination reach?
How far does your flood light illumination reach?
I would like to purchase a UV light with the longest distance capabilities. Ultimately, I need to illuminate 100 meters in length. Can you recommend a product or several products? How far does your flood light reach?
We have provided links to the UV irradiance patterns for both our realUV™ LED Flood Lights, as well as the realUV™ LED Strip Lights below, which we hope prove to be useful for your installation planning.
These documents chart the microwatts per square centimeter ultraviolet output based on the distance between light and target. Generally speaking, LED floodlights can illuminate a target that is roughly 10x10 square feet.
realUV™ LED Flood Lights UV Irradiance Pattern
realUV™ LED Strip Lights UV Irradiance Pattern
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UV-A floodlightsUV-A LED strip lights
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