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UV LED Strip Lights for Cyanotype and Van Dyke Brown Printing
I am considering purchasing the realUV™ LED Strip Lights for cyanotype and Van Dyke brown printing but am unsure of which wavelength would be better. Can you help guide me with this?
Though we are not experts in photochemical reaction installations such as cyanotypes, we are aware that some cyanotypes require a specific nanometer output for optimal curing effects.
As the 365nm version of our realUV products is further from the visible spectrum, it is able to provide a greater quantity of ultraviolet output for the targets. As such, we would likely recommend the 365nm option over the 395nm option unless your resources specifically recommend 395nm.
As a final note, we have the realUV™ LED Flex Panel in response to customer requests for cyanotype and curing installations, which we hope is a good option for you. This panel is easy to install, can be daisy-chained, and provides the same quality of output as the individual LED Strip Lights.
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LED modulesUltraviolet (curing, emulsion)UV-A LED strip lights
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