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How flexible the realUV™ LED Strip Lights 395 nm are?
I was wondering how flexible the realUV™ LED Strip Lights 395 nm / 3.2 ft (1 m) are? Can I bend then past 30° to affix them to the inside of some tighter fabric? I don't want to try and bend it more than the circumference of the spool but I would essentially like to bend it much tighter if that is possible, without damaging the product.
The specification we have on hand is that the minimum bend radius for our LED strip products is 0.8 inches. This specification tells us how "sharp" the turns can be without damaging the components, as opposed to the total angle turned. (This would be analogous to driving a winding road - sharp turns, rather than extended turns, tend to be more hazardous).
As such, making a 30 degree turn should be no problem as long as the turn is not too sharp at the corner (as defined by the minimum bend radius of 0.8 inches).
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UV-A LED strip lights
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