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realUV LED Strip Lights for Cabinet with Uranium Glass
I have 5 shelves that are 3' by 2' with uranium glass that I want to 'glow'. Planning on purchasing a 5m 365nm realUV LED strip and cutting it into 5 pieces. Question: based on your Watt estimator, 3' of LED strip is a lot of coverage for 6 sq ft of the shelf. Will I want a dimmer? Side note: I wish you had longer connector wires. Shelves are 1.5' ft apart. I can kludge together with extra connectors/wire/wire-nuts, but will not be a real clean look.
While we have not done any tests in-house, we do believe that our realUV LED strip lights will work very well for uranium glass, and have had several customers report success with similar projects.
You are correct that our UV LED strip lights do offer quite a bit of output per foot, so you may not need as much power to achieve the fluorescence effects you are after. In general, however, having too much UV intensity is not necessarily a bad thing, as the fluorescence effects will tend to hit a "ceiling" once a certain UV intensity level is reached.
That being said, we do offer an inline dimmer that could very well be used for your installation should you prefer to have control over the UV intensity. The connection diagram can be found at the link below:
Finally, we sincerely appreciate your feedback on the solderless connector cable length. I'll definitey have our team consider a longer cable product for future product development.
In the meantime, our PN 7098 cable product will likely be your best workaround. For a cleaner installation, if you are comfortable, directly soldering the wires onto the copper pads may also be an option for you.
When you say ‘solder onto the copper pad’, are you suggesting that I could remove the wire from PN 3070 and solder in the new, longer length of wire? I’m very comfortable with soldering and that would be a great option!
The LED strip lights, once they are cut, will have solder pads exposed and accessible. The photo below shows the copper semi-circles right along the cut-line:

From there, the PN 7098 wires can be tinned, and then directly soldered onto the copper semi-circles. This assembly will essentially replace and negate the need for PN 3070 / 3071 altogether.
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LED dimmersUV-A LED strip lights
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