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Home /  Support Center /  Knowledge Base /  UV-A LED strip lights /  What connector should be needed to connect the realUV LED strip to a power source over a longer distance?

What connector should be needed to connect the realUV LED strip to a power source over a longer distance?

I want to install a 365nm strip into a curio cabinet to display my uranium glass. I need a connector on only one end of the light strip. In addition, the attached cable that measures 5.9 inches isn't long enough to reach an existing hole in the cabinet I would prefer to use that would attach then to the 12v power supply. What do you suggest?

If the power cable on the end of the realUV™ LED Strip Lights is not long enough to connect to the power source, we would likely recommend using a combination of the Female DC Barrel Jack Plug Adapters and 16 AWG Wire for connection to the 12V power supply.

As an alternative, you may prefer to manually remove the barrel jack adapter from the realUV™ LED Strip Lights and solder the 16 AWG Wire directly between the product and LED Strip Lights. That said, please note that this option may make future adjustments more difficult. 

Is it possible to remove one of the barrel jack adapters from the strip? Can I cut it off, leaving just one adapter on the opposite end, and not harm the strip?

As can be noted within the realUV™ LED Strip Lights product specification sheet, the product has designated cut points every 0.984 inches (.25 mm). 

So long as the product is divided cleanly as these cuttable sections, the segments can be re-connected to power using soldering or products such as our LED Strip to Strip Connectors. In the hopes that it proves to be helpful, we have attached a LayoutMap from our website below. 

LayoutMaps™ - LED Strip Light Layout 7021_4C

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UV-A LED strip lights

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