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Home /  Support Center /  Knowledge Base /  UV-A LED strip lights /  Can UV-C LED Strip Light be daisy-chained?

Can UV-C LED Strip Light be daisy-chained?

I see that you only offer this product in lengths of 3.2 ft. I suppose that is sufficient for most applications (i.e. air ducts). I am trying to do a similar space but the length I am interested in is roughly 50 to 60 feet. What are the engineering challenges when implementing this product at such lengths? This would be something I would be interested in pursuing long-term at large volumes. 

​The UV-C LED strip light can be daisy-chained using the PN 7096 daisy-chain connector up to 5 reels at a time. As such, you should be able to span distances up to 16.4 ft for each installation unit.

​Unfortunately, due to power supply and circuitry constraints, we would not be able to support longer distances. Therefore, a longer run of 50-60 feet would require multiple installation units (perhaps 3-4 separate runs).

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LED strip lightsUV-A LED strip lights

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