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Can UV-C LED Strip Light be daisy-chained?
I see that you only offer this product in lengths of 3.2 ft. I suppose that is sufficient for most applications (i.e. air ducts). I am trying to do a similar space but the length I am interested in is roughly 50 to 60 feet. What are the engineering challenges when implementing this product at such lengths? This would be something I would be interested in pursuing long-term at large volumes.
The UV-C LED strip light can be daisy-chained using the PN 7096 daisy-chain connector up to 5 reels at a time. As such, you should be able to span distances up to 16.4 ft for each installation unit.
Unfortunately, due to power supply and circuitry constraints, we would not be able to support longer distances. Therefore, a longer run of 50-60 feet would require multiple installation units (perhaps 3-4 separate runs).
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LED strip lightsUV-A LED strip lights
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