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Linear Light Fixture Daisy Chain Switching
I want to turn on one switch and have a series of linear fixtures daisy-chained together come on at once. Is this possible?
We can confirm that each fixture in a daisy chain will utilize its own power setting. As such, if the fixture closest to an active power source is turned on, the subsequent fixtures will not change state. Instead, each will maintain whatever state it was set to.
That being said, if the daisy-chained fixtures are powered by an outlet connected to a light switch, and all units are set to 'ON', they will illuminate at the same time when the switch is toggled.
As an alternative, you may also be interested in our LED Strip Lights, which can be installed within our aluminum channels for diffusion and can also utilize a DC power supply and dimmer for adjustment. These LED Strip Lights utilize the same light sources that are present within the linear light fixtures, as well.
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T5 linear fixtures
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