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Do you have a longer daisy chain cord for T5 LED Linear Fixture?
I'm a visual artist and have been looking into your NorthLux™ 95 CRI T5 LED Linear Light Fixture, in 4 ft length. According to the specification sheet, it's possible to daisy chain up to 70 ft together. I've been looking at installing 14 of the fixtures ideally daisy chained across my studio ceiling as a way of having great lighting that's also movable to a different location if I ever move studios.
What I'm wondering is if there is a way of purchasing longer daisy chain cords. The one pictured looks to be around 12" long, since I'd be going from one rafter to the next on the ceiling I'd hope to be able to purchase some from you at the same time as the fixture order would be 3-4ft long. If you don't sell those, is the plug proprietary or would I be able to use something else as a daisy chain link cord--if so what should I be looking for?
While we can confirm that the included daisy-chain cable is 12”, longer cords can be found elsewhere by searching for the term ‘c8 plug to c7 receptacle cable’. In our own search of Amazon and other retailers, there appear to be several options available in different sizes.
For your installation planning, it might also be helpful to know that the T5 Linear Light Fixtures utilize an on-device power button and DC-plug power rather than in-wall wiring.
I was aware that it was an on device switch, I was imagining plugging the daisy chained lights into a surge protector and using that on/off switch to power them with. Would that be appropriate?
While we can confirm that the products are compatible with surge protectors that contain on-device power switches, we would strongly recommend ensuring that the surge protector and any peripheral extension cords are rated for the amperage requirements of the total interlocked T5 products.
When the extension cord or surge protector are not rated for the same or greater amperage required by the connected products, serious issues such as overheating and melting can occur.
For reference, the ratings of extension cords and surge protectors are shown on the product packaging and are determined by the wire diameter and length.
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T5 linear fixtures
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