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Home /  Support Center /  Knowledge Base /  UV-A LED strip lights /  Can the UV-C LED strip be cut to fit various applications?

Can the UV-C LED strip be cut to fit various applications?

Can the UV-C LED strip be cut to fit various applications? Looking to integrate it into a product we are developing.

We're happy to confirm that the cleanUV™ UV-C LED Strip Light product can be divided by cutting at the marks that are defined within the product specification sheet, which I have attached below.

cleanUV™ UV-C LED Strip Light Product Specification Sheet: https://www.waveformlighting.com/datasheets/CS_7026.pdf

What is the expected life of these LEDs? Not just the warranty, but the overall hours until we should have the customer replace them?

As this is a new product that was fast-tracked into production, we, unfortunately, do not have any reliable lifetime data yet.

However, our preliminary data shows stable UV-C output for at least 2000 hours, and further testing is currently underway to determine what we can expect on an L70 basis.

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UV-A LED strip lights

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