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Home /  Support Center /  Knowledge Base /  LED strip lights /  LED strips at 90 degree angles to fit in corners

LED strips at 90 degree angles to fit in corners

How can LED strips be easily cut and reconnected at 90 degree angles to fit in corners?

LED strips are flexible and can be bent, but not laterally. While this is usually not an issue, you may need to turn a corner or otherwise change direction within an LED strip run.

For the 90 degree turns, PN 3071 would be the perfect accessory item.

This product includes clip-on connectors on both ends of a cable, which allows you to cut the LED strip segment, and then simply rejoin the segments again quickly and easily without having to use solder. The cable is approximately 6" in length and can be bent at an angle to turn corners and change direction.

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LED strip lights

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