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Home /  Support Center /  Knowledge Base /  LED shop lights /  Does your NorthLux Shop Light Fixture support flush mounting and hard wiring?

Does your NorthLux Shop Light Fixture support flush mounting and hard wiring?

Does your Northlux shop light support flush mounting and hard wiring? Is there an adapter that allows daisy chaining by directly connecting one unit to an immediately adjacent (touching) unit instead of by a cable that would effectively force some separation? 

We can confirm that the LED Shop Light fixtures are designed for hanging installations, and are not designed to support flush-mounting or hard-wiring. 

​Additionally, we do not have connecter accessories available that might allow for directly interlocked the shop lights, and we do apologize for any impact this might have on your purchase planning. 

As an alternative, you might be interested in our NorthLux™ 95 CRI T5 LED Linear Light Fixtures, which are designed for interlocking, daisy-chained power, and can be flush-mounted using the included screws or magnet brackets. 

Do you have daisy chain cables longer than 12”? (Up to 20’)? Do you have adapters to hardwire the units?

We currently do not have longer daisy chain cords available, though it might be helpful to know that standard three-prong plug extension cords are compatible with the daisy-chaining of the LED Shop Light Fixtures. 

Additionally, we unfortunately do not sell adapters or kits for hardwiring the LED Shop Light Fixtures. We apologize!

As an alternative, you might be interested in our LED Ready T8 LED Fixtures, which are designed for ceiling mounting and direct-wire connection. These fixtures are designed to be compatible with T8 LED Tube lights, which have the benefit of being easy to replace in the event of a malfunction, compared to the shop light fixtures which utilize affixed, non-replaceable lights. 

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T8 LED tube lightsT5 linear fixturesLED shop lights

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