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Home /  Support Center /  Knowledge Base /  T5 linear fixtures /  Is it possible to direct wire the NorthLux™ 95 CRI T5 LED Linear Light Fixture?

Is it possible to direct wire the NorthLux™ 95 CRI T5 LED Linear Light Fixture?

Is it possible to direct wire this fixture, preferably from the middle of the backside. I have a 2ft fluorescent fixture this would replace, and it is direct wired through the back of the fixture.

Our T5 fixtures do not come with any direct-wire accessories, but if you are comfortable making the modifications needed to convert the wire plugs into a hard-wired installation, there should be no concerns from an electrical compatibility standpoint.

​The only concern I have is that the wires do need to plug in from the ends, so depending on the exact layout or dimensions of the fixture, the 2-ft versions of our T5 fixtures may exceed the allowable dimensions of your fluorescent fixture.

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T5 linear fixtures

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