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ABSOLUTE SERIES™ LED Linear Module Installation Guide
We would look to install this product for a room after I already referred someone else who just placed a big order for this product. I would like to know if you can please send me an email with all items needed to get this fully installed. I'll need about 20 feet from this.
We have attached a link to the product assembly instructions below, which we hope is helpful for your installation planning. Several installation options are described within this document, each containing links to the recommended accessories and connectors needed for the installation type.
Assembly Instructions For LED Modules
The most common installation type utilizes the WAGO connectors, as can be noted within the above document. The WAGO connectors are attached to the module connectors and are used to install a series of modules end-to-end. Please note that the WAGO ports are sensitive to pressure, and require care during installation.
For your installation planning, it might be helpful to know that the modules have a maximum combined length of ten units. This means that when more than ten modules are connected together, voltage drop and reduced light output will occur.
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LED modules
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