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Full Spectrum LED Lights for Imaging Applications
I am currently looking into purchasing a full-spectrum light source to use in imaging and was wondering if you had any recommendations. Also, would it be possible to adjust the intensity?
One of the most popular product options we've seen has been our T5 linear lamps, which can be installed quite easily in a variety of locations. These lamps feature 95 CRI which provides full spectrum and excellent color accuracy, features which are essential for accurate imaging applications.
Our D50 product in particular meets the ISO 3664 standards for color accuracy and should be a great option for your needs. Please see below for the product link:
The only downside is that these T5 lamps cannot be dimmed, so you will need to be able to work with a fixed brightness level.
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T5 linear fixturesColor matchingD50 (printing, digitizing)Full spectrum
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