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Avian LED Strip Lights for Racing Pigeons
I raise racing pigeons. I need some Avian Strip Lights. I have 2 -4x8 sections for breeding that do not get enough natural lighting. I do have 2 ceiling lights I could put two screw-in bulbs for natural lighting in. What do you recommend at the price? Also, I would like to install a couple of strip lights. What do you have for that?
Based on our calculations using our lumen estimation calculator, it appears that each 4x8 ft space would benefit from roughly 1,524 lumens. This means that your space should be sufficiently illuminated with 2 of the 6500K Avian Full Spectrum E26 A19 LED Bulb for Birds items, which each have an 800-lumen output.
If you would like to add additional lighting, we might recommend the 12V 6500K FilmGrade™ WHITE LED Strip Lights, which match the 6500K color temperature of the avian bulbs. This product also has the benefit of being used with dimmers, which might be valuable for your installation. These light strips can also be mounted within our Aluminum Channel for LED Flex Strip products, which are available in flat and corner-shaped options.
Please note that this product does require the use of a 12V DC power supply, such as our FilmGrade™ DC Power Supply for LED Strip product.
However, as an alternative, we might also recommend the 6500K NorthLux™ 95 CRI T5 LED Linear Light Fixture products.
These products are designed for easy installation, can be daisy-chained together for power, do not require additional housing or power supplies, and contain LED lighting within the integrated fixtures. This option could also be less expensive than the LED strip lights after the additional costs of power supplies and mounting accessories are considered.
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LED strip lightsAnimals and pets
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