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Home / Support Center / Knowledge Base / A19 Bulbs (60 watt equivalent) / It shows you have two led bulbs for avian use. However, why the flood light version is dimmable, but the A19 bulb is not dimmable?
It shows you have two led bulbs for avian use. However, why the flood light version is dimmable, but the A19 bulb is not dimmable?
Would the A19 bulb blow up or fail if used on a dimmable circuit?
At what distance from the birds should these bulbs be used?
I always thought birds need UV radiation to produce vitamin D3. Do these bulbs not emit UV rays?
Unfortunately, due to the smaller size of the A19, we have not yet been able to incorporate the electronic components needed to achieve smooth and effective dimming. The A19 lamp cannot be used with any dimmers, even if the dimmer is set to 100% brightness.
We don't recommend placing the lamps too close to birds and maintaining at least a 1-foot distance away. We recommend placing 2-4 lamps per square foot to achieve sufficient coverage.
Our lamps do not contain any UV radiation - if you believe that additional UV exposure would be helpful, we would recommend locating a third-party source for dedicated UV bulbs.
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A19 Bulbs (60 watt equivalent)Animals and pets
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