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CENTRIC DAYLIGHT™ LED Strip Lights for Commercial & Retail


Great Lights but Small Issues

I have purchased over a dozen of these light strips for a jewelry application. I love the lights but have run into a few small issues. #1) I have had sections of the light fail during install (2" sections), then uninstalling the light (peeling it up) ruined the light as other sections failed. #2) Do NOT run the lights for more than a minute or two when the lights are still rolled up on the spool. I did this to avoid cutting a light (was still choosing fitment) and the red tape that covers the 3M adhesive melted to to the LEDs. Took me over an hour to peel it all off. #3) The white plastic clips are not reliable. I had one work for two weeks then stop functioning as vibration from an HVAC system rattled the clip off I guess."

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