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Home /  Support Center /  Knowledge Base /  UV-A LED strip lights /  What kind of lens and spread do your UV LEDs have?

What kind of lens and spread do your UV LEDs have?

I'm looking to replace our photopolymer platemaker's UV fluorescent bulbs, with the UV LEDs that you sell. However, I'm curious, what kind of lens/spread do those UV LEDs have? I'm trying to determine how many meters I'll need to purchase as well as the power supply. The area we need to expose with UV is 24 x 30 inches. 

Our realUV LED strip lights sound like a great fit for the application. We have had numerous customers utilize our UV LEDs for similar photochemical applications.

The beam spread of our LEDs is approximately 120 degrees. Generally speaking, this is an optimal beam angle as it is quite directional but still provides wide coverage.

In case it is of interest, we have also linked to our realUV LED flex panel below, which may also work well for your needs:

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UV-A LED strip lights

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