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Home / Support Center / Knowledge Base / UV-A LED strip lights / What is the difference between 395nm and 365nm realUV LED Light?
What is the difference between 395nm and 365nm realUV LED Light?
I need a trustworthy ultraviolet light for an art project (exposing cyanotypes on paper) I was wondering if the realUV flood light would work for my needs. I noticed there are two options: one is 395nm and the other is 365. What is the difference?
We have attached an informative blog post below regarding the topic, which we hope proves to be useful for your purchase and installation planning.
In short, as the output of the 365nm version is well beyond the 400nm visible spectrum of light, the fluorescent effect will be greater than the 395nm version.
What is the Difference Between 365 nm and 395 nm UV LED Lights?
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UV-A floodlightsUV-A flashlightsUV-A LED strip lights
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