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Home /  Support Center /  Knowledge Base /  UV-A LED strip lights /  UVC LED Strip Light Technical and Specification Details

UVC LED Strip Light Technical and Specification Details

Please provide a technical details of the UVC LED light strip. Also, a comparison study of UVC LED Vs UVC Tubes, if made available would be very helpful.

Please see below for the product specification sheet for our UV-C LED strip lights and let us know if you have any further questions.


​Unfortunately we do not have any comparison studies at this time. Sorry!

We would need a timer switch attached to the subject light. We just install the light in the cabinet, plug and play. The exposure range will be 1 to 100 minutes. Is this something that you could help us with?

If the proto type is successful, there will be scope for multiple units, as we have plans to provide UVC disinfection units enterprise wide.

Unfortunately, we do not provide any direct solutions for a timer feature. If you're looking for something simple and plug + play, you may want to consider something as basic as a wall-plug timer such as the one linked to below:


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Sterilization (disinfection)UV-A LED strip lights

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