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UV LED Strips Lights for Screen Printing

I am looking to build an exposure unit for screen printing. I am looking for strips of UV LED lights. I am not sure of the specs of the lights I need, but do you guys have any idea? Also, would I need a controller or anything from you guys for them?

We, unfortunately, don't have any official documentation or support for building a screen printing exposure unit, but we would be glad to offer suggestions and recommendations to the best of our ability.

We certainly have had customers successfully utilize our LED strip lights for screen printing applications. For example, here is a photo provided by one of our customers. Other product reviews on the product page may serve as an effective starting point or inspiration.

​It's a bit difficult to know "how much" UV is needed, as this can depend on a variety of factors such as the distance from the screen printing surface as well as the type of emulsion being used. If the emulsion material manufacturer has any discrete data on irradiance (typically expressed in mW/cm2) we may be able to provide additional guidance here.

While we do not have any test data on hand, we believe that 365 nm would be the superior choice given that it is a strong UV-A wavelength that should provide far more energy than 395 nm for curing and other photochemical processes. For further information, please reference our article comparing 365 nm to 395 nm.

The only essential components needed for the installation would be the LED strip reel itself, as well as a 12-volt power supply. The power supply can plug directly into the LED strip reel, and no controllers or any other equipment would be needed.

​If you were looking to build an array of LED strip lights, you may want to use our PN 3071 solderless connectors to join the cut LED strip sections. Our layout diagram along with product links can be found below:


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LED strip lightsD50 (printing, digitizing)UV-A LED strip lights

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