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UV LED Lights for Butterfly Exhibit

We have a tropical butterfly garden at our institution and we try our best to mimic their natural habitat. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the building design and current lighting system and our weather, we lack the proper UV levels that the butterflies are used to. Butterflies use UV light to find flowers, so if we don’t have any they are not able to find the flowers which is what we are observing. We are interested in adding some UV light to the exhibit to help the butterflies find the flowers. I am interested specifically interested in the 365 nm band for the butterflies.

Do you have any products that you think may work to add some UV light to the exhibit?

Based on the details provided, we would likely recommend the 365nm realUV™ LED Flood Lights, which do not require any accessories for installation and operate using a DC power cable. That said, the output of this product can not be dimmed or adjusted as the below product is capable. 

If you would prefer to dim or adjust the output of the ultraviolet light source, we would alternatively recommend the 365nm realUV™ LED Strip Lights, which can be paired with either wall dimmers or in-line dimmers such as the FilmGrade™ Flicker-Free LED Dimmer. These products also require a 12V power supply which is sold separately. 

Both product pages feature UV Irradiance Patterns, which we hope are helpful for charting the microwaves per square centimeter output that your installation would receive (μW/cm2) using either of the aforementioned products. 

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Animals and petsUV-A LED strip lights

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