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UV LED Light for Rally Car Lighting

I build and race rally cars where we often have night stages where the codriver needs to read notes during the race. I thought blacklight would be a good way to illuminate the notes while not flooding the cockpit with light that would distract the driver. A little advice on our specific needs would be much appreciated and we'd love to use your lights in both our car as well as our customers cars. 

As a starting point, it might be helpful to know that the 365nm and 395nm versions of our ultraviolet products offer different benefits. 

Where the 395nm is closer to the 400nm visible spectrum cutoff point, it will offer a moderate amount of visible purple illumination. Contrastingly, as the 365nm option is further from the visible spectrum it will offer a greater fluorescent effect upon targets that react to ultraviolet light. 

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UV-A floodlightsUltraviolet (fluorescence, blacklights)UV-A LED strip lights

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