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Safe UV-A LED Lights for Black Lighting
I am manufacturing parts that get adhesive applied to them. This adhesive has a UV additive that highlights when exposed to black light. I am looking for a light that is safe to use that someone can use to inspect for the presence of the adhesive on the parts. Light has to be bright enough to highlight but still safe. The person will be able to hold part close to the black light.
Based on the details provided, we would likely recommend either the 365nm realUV™ LED Flood Light or the 5W 365nm realUV™ LED Flashlight with BLACKOUT™ Filter Technology for your installation.
That being said, it is difficult for us to provide assurances and guarantees regarding the safe use of ultraviolet LED products, as each installation and application can vary significantly. As such, we recommend consulting a UV safety expert if you have any further concerns.
Both the 365 nm and 395 nm wavelengths fall under the UV-A wavelength range, which is a weaker form of ultraviolet radiation that is found in natural daylight. As such, there are fewer concerns than other ultraviolet products that fall under the UV-B or UV-C wavelength ranges, for example.
That being said, below are some general safety guidelines that we would recommend following:
- The ultraviolet emitters have a very high intensity when used at a very short distance, but less so at longer distances. Therefore, ensuring that people or animals do not come near the UV source can help reduce the risk of any eye safety issues.
- Ultraviolet energy is mostly invisible to the naked eye. It can be difficult for the vision system to recognize a high level of UV “brightness” and produce a natural response to squint or look away, in the way that natural white light would.
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Ultraviolet (fluorescence, blacklights)UV-A LED strip lights
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