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realUV LED Strip Extrusions
We are specifying your realUV LED strip for a project we are designing for Universal Studios and we would like to pick someone's brains about extrusions. Specifically about any experience with covers for them that do not inhibit the UV output and/or get degraded by the UV.
In our experience, we have found that the majority of polycarbonate materials used in extrusions and channels block the ultraviolet wavelength of output provided by our realUV™ LED Strip Lights. Our own aluminum channels utilize a polycarbonate diffusion cover, as do many other third-party options that we have found.
That being said, quartz glass, such as is used on the LED chips found on our 270nm cleanUV™ UV-C LED Strip Lights, allows all kinds of ultraviolet lights to pass through uninterrupted. While we have not been able to locate full channels or extrusions that exclusively use quartz glass for customer recommendations, we do hope that these details are helpful for your project planning.
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UV-A LED strip lights
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