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realUV LED Flood Light Safety Risks
Can you tell me if there are any safety risks with working around the UV flood lights? Other than looking directly into them that is. Can prolonged exposure to the light result in any damage? If so, what is the safe time frame?
Each application will entail different levels of safety risk and we recommend performing some rigorous analysis prior to any installations.
We are aware of the following guidelines published by the ACGIH which you may find helpful:
For the UV-A or near ultraviolet spectral region (315 to 400 nm), exposure to the eye should not exceed 1 milliwatt per square centimeter (1.0 mW/cm2) for periods greater than 1000 seconds (approximately 16 minutes).
For direct comparison of these exposure limits to our flood light UV irradiance values, you will want to reference our UV irradiance charts below:
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LED strip lightsUV-A LED strip lights
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