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realUV 365nm LED Strip Accessories and Installation Guide

I want to build an exposure box with UV-LEDs (real UV- 365nm). For that purpose, I plan to install the three LED strips side by side so that I have a broader strip with a width of 30 mm. Is this possible or are there any issues with heat transport, etc.? The equipment I plan to order is the following: 7021.65.5M, PN 3091, PN 3070 (3x), and PN 3071. Do I need the extra PN 3070 or is all I need for installation of the LED Strip and the Power Supply?

We completely understand the proposed installation of using three gapless rows of the UV LED strip lights. We do not anticipate any heat or thermal issues and this should be a good way to boost the UV output from a small area.

For a single 5 meter run, the power supply and LED strip reel is all that is needed. To cut the LED strip and re-join them, you will want to use PN 3071 as shown in the diagram below:


Also, we do not think you will need PN 3070 if your proposed layout is similar to the one shown above.

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UV-A LED strip lights

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