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Do you have a UV LED black light to decorate a costume with fluorescent paint?
I’m thinking about making a costume for Halloween that I can light up with LED black light strips and decorate the costume with fluorescent paint. The party is on the pool deck of a cruise ship at night, so the lighting is semi-dark. Do you have any black light products that would work?
Based on the details provided, one installation option that comes to mind would be applying lengths of the realUV™ LED Strip Lights to the costume which would be powered by a stand-alone compatible 12V battery. That said, we do have some recommended considerations and safety advice for your costume installation below.
First and foremost - never look directly into the UV output. UV light is invisible and does not induce the same natural reaction to squint or look away to avoid the output in the same way we would if we were to look directly into bright white lights or the sun. Just because it doesn’t appear bright, doesn’t mean that it’s not emitting lots of UV light. Second, be sure to keep the UV light output away from children or anyone who is not aware that the product emits UV light.
To further protect yourself or the individuals utilizing the product, you may want to purchase UV-blocking safety goggles or sunglasses, which will help reduce the amount of UV light from hitting your eyes. When using the UV light, you can also try to avoid shining the light directly onto bare skin and wear long-sleeved clothing. And, as a practical matter, keep the UV product turned on only as long as necessary.
Further, you may also want to ensure that the power capacity of the battery to utilize is high enough to provide the preferred output. For more information on the power draw, we recommend reviewing the below product specification sheet.
Finally, please note that our LED strip lights are not IP-rated for protection against water, liquid, or condensation. Any contact these products have with moisture may create an unsafe electrical hazard and will void the product warranty.
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Fluorescent replacementsUV-A LED strip lights
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