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Home / Support Center / Knowledge Base / UV-A LED strip lights / Do you have a full-spectrum UV-A LED Lights in 300 to 400 nm wavelength?
Do you have a full-spectrum UV-A LED Lights in 300 to 400 nm wavelength?
Do you have an LED light that emits the full 300 to 400 nm range? If not, what wavelength options do you offer?
Unfortunately, we do not have any "full spectrum" UV-A options.
We do offer a 365 nm and 395 nm option, but these are narrow-band products that have a full-width half-max (FWHM) of approximately 15-20 nm only, and therefore would not cover the entirety of the wavelength range.
Do you have glasses/goggles/camera/etc., that would allow me to see the 365 and 395 nm light?
The 365 nm wavelength is completely invisible so there is no way to make this visible even with goggles or other equipment. 395 nm, on the other hand, does have a purple tint and can be observed with the naked eye.
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UV-A LED strip lights
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