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cleanUV™ UV-C LED Strip Light for Ice Machine Application Setting
I was inquiring about the cleanUV™ UV-C LED Strip Light. I was wondering if it was possible to adapt this for use in an ice machine application setting. With waterproofing and all the compliances that would go along with being near food-based items.
We can confirm that we have not tested this product in any ice machine or refrigeration systems. Further, it might be helpful to know that the cleanUV™ UV-C LED Strip Light is not IP rated against moisture or condensation. As such, any contact with moisture may create an electrical hazard, and void the product warranty.
Though we might alternatively recommend an insulated enclosure for the installation, please note that most enclosures made of plastic (or other materials) will block the UV-C energy output of the product, thereby removing the benefit of the effect.
Further, the cleanUV product has not received any certification of compliance regarding its use with food products.
As such, we might not recommend the cleanUV™ UV-C LED Strip Light product for your ice machine application unless there were known methods of solving the above considerations.
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UV-A LED strip lights
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