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Home /  Support Center /  Knowledge Base /  UV-A LED strip lights /  cleanUV™ Ultraviolet LED for Food Container Interior Sterilization

cleanUV™ Ultraviolet LED for Food Container Interior Sterilization

Your info on cleanUV™ Ultraviolet LED Technology mentions that "Additional form factors are in development and will be released soon." I am interested in a form factor that could be used to sterilize the interior of food containers.

We are indeed working on a few MCPCB form factors that are 6 x 6 inches as well as 2 x 12 inches. We do not have an ETA at this point, but do hope to have this available in the near future.

Unfortunately, we don't have any application-specific advice or recommendations that may apply to the food container sterilization application.

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LED strip lightsSterilization (disinfection)UV-A LED strip lights

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