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Home /  Support Center /  Knowledge Base /  UV-A LED strip lights /  365nm UV LED Strip Light with 5V Supply Voltage

365nm UV LED Strip Light with 5V Supply Voltage

Do you sell a 365nm LED strip light that operates off of a 5V power supply?

As our realUV™ LED Strip Lights products have a minimum threshold for voltage, they will not begin to emit visible light unless a minimum of 7.5V is reached. 

As such, it does not appear that a 5V power supply would be sufficient for powering the items, and we do sincerely apologize for any impact this may have on your purchase planning. We have attached a link to a blog post on the topic below, in the hopes that it proves to be useful for your planning process. 

Can You Operate a 12V LED Strip at Less Than 12V?

As an alternative, you may also be interested in the realUV™ LED Flashlight with BLACKOUT™ Filter Technology, which operates on battery power and outputs the same 365nm ultraviolet energy as our realUV™ LED Strip Lights. 

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UV-A flashlightsUV-A LED strip lights

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