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realUV Floodlight for UVIVF Photography
I was reading about the 365nm floodlight option that you guys have. My objective is to use it for UV-IVF photography, but the description says it spills some visible light. Is that visible light spill to
overwhelming for it to render UVIVF useless? I saw that it required an additional visible light filter to be added in order to make some decent UVIVF photography. So my question is, will my ZWB1 UG11 filter be enough to make this kind of UVIVF photography possible?
As we have not utilized the ZWB1 UG11 in our internal testing of the realUV products, it is unfortunately difficult to say whether the visible light would spill into the frame. That being said, so long as the filter is able to block the transmission of the visible spectrum from 400nm upward, we would imagine that no visible light would be able to pass through the filter.
In the hopes that it proves to be helpful for your installation and purchase planning, we have provided a link for the photometric report below:
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UV-A floodlights