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Home /  Support Center /  Knowledge Base /  UV-A flashlights /  In what country is the realUV LED Flashlight manufactured?

In what country is the realUV LED Flashlight manufactured?

In what country is the realUV LED Flashlight manufactured?

The flashlight is manufactured in China.

What is its IP rating?

Its IP rating is IP22.

What is its safe drop height?

The product does not have a safe drop height - please use care when using it and avoid dropping or rough handling.

When did it first come to market?

The product was first released in late 2019.

Why are there no third-party reviews/comparisons?​

Our product is quite specialized (365 nm + filter), and as a relatively new offering, we have not had many marketing opportunities in terms of third-party reviews, etc.

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UV-A flashlights

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