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UV LED Strip for Curing Fishing Lure Painting
I am a custom fishing lure painter and use Alumilite UV clear coat. I've been using Solacure UV fluorescent bulbs for the past 3 years and want to convert them over to your 365nm LED strips. I'm building a 4ft long octagon-shaped light box for curing my work. I want to mount 4ft LED strips on the three angled side panels. How difficult will it be to wire up all 6 strip segments? What power supply do you recommend?
Based on the details provided, we would likely recommend the 12V FilmGrade™ DC Power Supply for LED Strip for an impermanent installation, or alternatively the 12V TRIAC Dimmable Power Supply for LED Strip for a permanent installation that might also benefit from using a wall dimmer.
Generally speaking, we like to recommend using one dedicated power supply per full reel of LED Strip Lights. As such, we would likely recommend integrating an additional power supply and dividing your installation across those power supplies in the event that more than one full reel is needed for your curing station.
In the hopes that it proves to be helpful, we have shared two LayoutMap diagrams below which illustrate the most common installation types and provide links to the recommended accessories and connectors.
LayoutMaps™ - LED Strip Light Layout 7021_4B
LayoutMaps™ - LED Strip Light Layout 7021_4C
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Ultraviolet (curing, emulsion)UV-A LED strip lights
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