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Home /  Support Center /  Knowledge Base /  Ultraviolet (curing, emulsion) /  How do I daisy-chain the realUV™ 365 nm LED strip light?

How do I daisy-chain the realUV™ 365 nm LED strip light?

I'm looking to purchase the realUV™ 365 nm LED strip. What exactly do I need in order to cut the strips and daisy chain them?

As you mention, our realUV™ 365 nm LED strip can be cut to length in 1-inch increments and is a great option for a wide variety of UV applications.

You may be interested in our PN 3071 LED strip-to-strip connector, which will allow you to reconnect any cut segments back together (i.e. daisy-chain). Please see below for a connection diagram showing an example of how this can be accomplished:​


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Ultraviolet (fluorescence, blacklights)Ultraviolet (curing, emulsion)UV-A LED strip lights

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