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Home /  Support Center /  Knowledge Base /  T8 LED tube lights /  Are your LED Bulbs compatible with American Fluorescent Fixtures?

Are your LED Bulbs compatible with American Fluorescent Fixtures?

The light fixture I have for this size tube is made by American Fluorescent. Just wondering if this fixture might have proven to be compatible with your light since the list was made.

We're happy to confirm that our Ultra High 95 CRI A19 5W LED Filament Bulb for Home & Residential products is compatible with enclosed light fixtures. However, our other A19 bulbs will require a moderate amount of airflow and heat dissipation which the enclosed fixture may be unable to provide.

We can also confirm that our T8 LED tube lights are compatible with existing T8 fixtures. However, our T8 LED tube lights may not be compatible with the ballasts within all fixtures. Below is a link that contains the list of compatible ballasts.

Tested ballasts: https://www.waveformlighting.com/files/CD4020.txt

If the ballasts are not compatible, there are alternative installation methods described within the product specification sheet, such as ballast bypass, which could prove to be valuable.

I was more interested in the A19 Bulbs, and I see in your description that they cannot be used in enclosed fixtures (Centric Daylight, NorthLuz, and D50).

Unfortunately, each of the products listed requires some amount of enclosure airflow so that the heat generated by the bulb can dissipate.

Without adequate heat dissipation, the electronic components within the LED products can be prone to error.

Question posted under:

T8 LED tube lightsA19 Bulbs (60 watt equivalent)Ceiling Fixtures

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