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LED Lights for Art Painting Studio
We have a studio with existing lighting. This is an artists painting studio so color is paramount and we have never got it right. We would like you to recommend a lighting scheme or bulbs to put in our existing lighting to improve the painting light quality.
Most household lamps have a low color temperature which can be nice and relaxing for a typical residential installation, but for a color-critical application such as yours, having a daylight-calibrated color temperature bulb is definitely crucial.
All of our NorthLux products are daylight-calibrated and will offer a nice approximation of natural daylight, which will help tremendously in being able to accurately see colors in artwork creation.
Since it sounds like you do not have any specific fixtures already in place, you do have quite a bit of flexibility in terms of installation location and types of lamps.
If you have an table or desk lamps, we would perhaps recommend our NorthLux A19 lamps. Alternatively, if you would like to mount some additional lighting onto a ceiling beam or even a shelf, we would recommend our NorthLux T5 fixtures which may be a great option for you.
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Art studio lightingT5 linear fixturesA19 Bulbs (60 watt equivalent)
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