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Lighting Recommendation for my Art Home Studio Office
I'm a textile surface pattern designer and fashion designer. I work from home at my home studio office and I am in major need of new lighting. I am in a condo currently and the ceilings are about 11ft high where my lighting will need to be placed. I would like the 5000k lighting with high CRI for color matching/Pantone and painting. The only issue is I am new to figuring out what to buy. I would ideally like to buy a long 6-8ft track lighting to place on the ceiling of my studio. I want track lighting because I still want the lighting fixture to at least look nice since it is a residential condo.
Our high CRI bulbs at 5000K sound like a great fit for your home studio office, especially for textile color reproduction accuracy.
Unfortunately, we don't have any products that would work with track lighting fixtures. we completely understand the reason for this request for aesthetic purposes, and apologize for the inconvenience! I will definitely let our product development team know of your interest.
Currently, the closest option for a residential installation would be our BR30 lamps, which fit into standard ceiling can fixtures. Please see below for the product link:
We also offer some T5 linear lights which can be mounted onto various surfaces. This product does not require any other fixtures in our housings and can be plugged into a wall outlet directly. Below is the product link:
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Art studio lightingT5 linear fixturesBR30 BulbsOffice lighting
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