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LED Home Office Lighting: Best Color Temperature that Mimic Sunlight
I am trying to mimic "sunlight" in my small home office now that the days are getting shorter. The closest thing to my desired lighting that I have experienced is dental overhead lights. I recently purchased a FilmGrade A19 LED bulb, but it felt a bit cool to me. I realize that natural daylight sits in the 5600K to 6500K color range.
1) Do you have suggestions for which of your A19 or BR30 bulbs may best fit my use case?
2) Am I always going to find "natural daylight" options a bit too cool? Would 4000K or 5000K offer a better experience?
Getting the correct color temperature is indeed a challenge!
You are correct that the 5000K to 6500K range is generally considered a good match for natural daylight. 4000K is also a nice option, and you may find some useful information on our blog post here.
One thing to keep in mind that oftentimes, natural daylight color temperatures can appear a bit blue or stark when you do not have enough brightness overall. To that end, if you have any information on the total square footage being illuminated, we may be able to provide some additional recommendations on the quantity of lamps needed to provide sufficient brightness at that color temperature.
We would perhaps recommend taking advantage of our free returns policy to test and compare the various color temperature options and lamp quantities. Once you've made your mind, just let us know and we'd be glad to pay for return shipping and refund you for any returned items.
Question posted under:
A19 Bulbs (60 watt equivalent)BR30 BulbsColor matchingOffice lighting
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