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Brighter and Bluer Light for Home Office Lighting
I'm working out of my home office, I would guess the brighter and bluer I can get my room the more productive and alert I will be, no? I filled in the blanks in your lumen estimation calculator and it recommended a color temp of 3249k to 5585k.
You are correct that increasing the blue content of a light source will generally provide increased alertness, and that 6500K would be the best color temperature option to achieve this.
I've taken a look at the lumen estimation calculator, and it does appear that the recommended range of color temperatures would be between 3249K and 5585K if you were to stay at a lower brightness level (it looks like you entered 41 footcandles as your brightness needs).
If you did want to go with 6500K and create a comfortable space, we would recommend increasing the brightness levels to at least 50 footcandles.
The reason for this recommendation is due to the relationship between brightness and color temperature, for which we recommend ensuring that the space is optimized for. Below is an article that explores this concept in a bit more depth: https://www.waveformlighting.com/home-residential/lux-and-kelvin-an-overlooked-relationship-between-illuminance-and-color-temperature
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LED bulbs (General)Office lighting
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