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Home /  Support Center /  Knowledge Base /  LED strip lights /  Would the diffuser in your aluminum channel affect the full-spectrum distribution of lights?

Would the diffuser in your aluminum channel affect the full-spectrum distribution of lights?

Would the light diffuser in your aluminum channel fixture for LED strips defeat or inhibit the purpose of buying full-spectrum lighting in an attempt to get more red spectrum inside living areas? I understand much of the sun's red and NIR is blocked by windows and this is why I'm trying to get more of that spectrum inside my house with lighting. Would the light diffuser have the same issues? 

Based on our tests, the aluminum channel diffusers do not affect the overall spectral distribution, including red and NIR wavelengths. They may reduce light output slightly (~15%) but this is an issue of overall intensity across all wavelength ranges, and not specifically affecting red wavelengths.

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LED strip lightsFull spectrum

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