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Home / Support Center / Knowledge Base / LED strip lights / What is the output per foot of FilmGrade LED Strip Light?
What is the output per foot of FilmGrade LED Strip Light?
On your FilmGrade LED Strip Light specification it states '450 lumens per foot (1500 lumens per meter)—does this mean a foot or meter length of the strip, or does this mean per square foot/square meter?
We can confirm that the 24V FilmGrade™ WHITE LED Strip Lights output 450 lumens of light in all directions per foot of LED Strip Lights.
Would you know the beam angle of your FilmGrade LED Strip Light & ABSOLUTE SERIES LED Linear Module?
I have a specific light intensity I'm trying to reach, and with the beam angle, I can work out the area illuminated 50cm from the light source.
We can confirm that both the FilmGrade™ WHITE LED Strip Lights and the ABSOLUTE SERIES™ LED Linear Modules have a beam angle of 120°.
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LED strip lights
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