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Home /  Support Center /  Knowledge Base /  LED strip lights /  What are the minimum size aluminum channel measurements to allow the PN 3071 connectors?

What are the minimum size aluminum channel measurements to allow the PN 3071 connectors?

I'm interested in purchasing your Centric Daylight strips. It looks like they are 10mm wide. I'd like to incorporate some of the 3071 connectors, but see that the channel you offer is not large enough. What are the minimum size channel measurements that will allow for those connectors? I am looking at the connector drawing but I can't quite get to the answer. 

Based on the product measurements illustration, it appears that the LED Solderless Connectors have a width of 13.8 mm

So long as the third-party channel utilized can accommodate for that width, as well as an additional .5 millimeters of space for easier adjustment, the connector and LED Strip Lights should fit properly. 

If the channel utilized does not have sufficient room, you can alternatively connect the LED Strip Lights to wiring and power with manual soldering. 

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LED strip lights

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