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Max Voltage for CENTRIC DAYLIGHT™ LED Strip
I am retrofitting a retail space (clothing store) and would love to use your Centric Daylight 4000K LED strips. I see that they run on 24V DC. What is the maximum voltage they can withstand? I currently have 17 power supplies that output 27V and eight power supplies that output 30V. Can any of these be used on your LED strips?
As our LED Strip Light products are designed with specific voltage in mind, we do not recommend utilizing power supplies that exceed the stated voltage with them, as such configurations will likely cause damage to the products and void the warranty. We do apologize for any impact this might have on your installation planning.
As alternatives, we recommend utilizing matching voltage power supplies, such as our 24V FilmGrade™ DC Power Supply for LED Strip or 24V TRIAC Dimmable Power Supply for LED Strip.
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LED power suppliesLED strip lights
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